Welcome and Mabuhay

If you love Marinduque and want to contribute articles to this site, please do so. My contact information is in my profile. The above photo was taken from the balcony of The Chateau Du Mer Beach House, Boac, Marindque, Philippines. I love sunsets. How about you? Some of the photos and videos on this site, I do not own. However, I have no intention on infringing your copyrights. Thank you and Cheers!

Tres Reyes Island view of the Marinduque Mainland

Monday, September 2, 2024

Popular Latin Phrases You Should Know

In my last posting, I wrote about Yiddish Words, I have never heard before. I received a few positive comments from my readers here at THD as well as from my readers all over the world.  One of my readers suggested I write on popular latin words and phrases that are popular today.  Here are some examples. 

At the bottom of the page is the website listing more latin words and phrases for your reading pleasure. 


Meanwhile enjoy list of words from my FB readings the other day.

Personal Note:  I took Latin Classes (101 and 102) during my 1st year in college, a prerequisite subject in my Pre-Med Class. However, today all that knowledge is gone and only a few Latin words are in my aging memory. 

Good Day To All! Bonam fortunam et in die enim bona

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