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Tres Reyes Island view of the Marinduque Mainland

Saturday, June 22, 2024

THD is Now Advertising as a Pet-Friendly Community

My Two Pets( Batman & Robin) enjoying Their Catio and Fresh Air. Both are eagerly watching for the squirrels and humming birds in the neighborhood. My Catio is one of the primary reasons why I chose THD as my new downsizing home.

THD recent advertising appears to be getting positive results based on the expected number of new residents moving this Month and the next 2 months. Last week it advertised as a community for active seniors based on its fitness and exercise program. 

"Staying active is crucial for seniors. Our state-of-the-art fitness center, serene yoga studio, year-round heated pool, and guided walks keep you healthy and engaged. Plus, our partnership with Senior Reach Fitness offers tailored classes just for you. Discover the benefits of fitness and join our vibrant community today! "
This week it is advertising it as a pet friendly senior community as follows:

"Pets bring unconditional love, companionship, and numerous health benefits to our lives. At The Heritage Downtown, we proudly support pet companionship with our pet-friendly environment. From emotional support and physical health benefits to mental stimulation and routine, pets enhance the lives of our residents in so many ways.
Our community offers pet-friendly apartments, on-site pet amenities, and access to pet care services, ensuring that both residents and their furry friends can thrive. We also organize pet-friendly social activities, creating opportunities for residents and their pets to build friendships and share joy.

As far as I know, there are two other residents with 2 black cats as pets. Small dogs are the most popular pets. I believe there are at least six residents with small dogs. I know of other 2 residents with bigger dogs with very sweet personality, JoJo and Willy. Some of the smaller dogs are always barking if left alone by their owners for a couple of hours. Other small pets are well-behave, but most of the pets are under control by their owners and are not allowed inside the Dining room.

Here's my previous posting on cats and dogs as pets:

Meanwhile, Jenny informed me yesterday that the next apartment to me ( F104) that had been vacant for several months will now have a new occupant soon. I am looking forward to meet my new neighbor. Have A Great and HOT Weekend everyone. Keep cool and stay in the Shade!

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