Welcome and Mabuhay

If you love Marinduque and want to contribute articles to this site, please do so. My contact information is in my profile. The above photo was taken from the balcony of The Chateau Du Mer Beach House, Boac, Marindque, Philippines. I love sunsets. How about you? Some of the photos and videos on this site, I do not own. However, I have no intention on infringing your copyrights. Thank you and Cheers!

Tres Reyes Island view of the Marinduque Mainland

Saturday, May 18, 2024

Santos Paintings and Framed Photos/Art Saved from Downsizing Move

n my previous three postings I listed and described the indoor plants, outdoor plants/garden decor and antique pieces and collectibles that I was able to bring in my apartment here at THD during my downsizing move last June.   

This posting is about the Acrylic and Charcoal Paintings of Jesse Santos💚 - The Napa Hut and the Nude Lady that I was able to bring and displayed in my apartment here at THD as well as my other framed personal photos.

Jesse Santos, was a well known Filipino Cartoonist and Artist. He was our former friend and neighbor in the Central Valley  (Ceres/Modesto )from 1969-1974. His short biography is describe as follows:


He also sold us a Charcoal Painting of Me and Macrine( RIP) as follows:

I also commissioned him to paint a Family Photo that was my surprised 25th wedding Anniversary Gift to Macrine in 1982 as follows:  

Family Portrait- Charcoal Painting by Jesse Santos, 1982

In this posting I am listing some of the Family Photos I was able to display here in my apartment. Due to limited wall space, more than two dozens of my personal photographs/arts/framed Prints are in storage and are not displayed in my apartment.  The above Santos Charcoal Painting is in storage.  

One of My several Collection of Oriental Arts- Pair of  Chinese Water Color Prints- Princess Fah-Yen-Fah, 1926.  I have another  dozen antique water color prints of oriental arts in storage.  For Details visit:


One Day Trip to Ensenada, Mexico from San Diego, California 

Me, Former Governor of California Arnold S and My Youngest Daughter Ditas, 2006

My Wedding Photo- May 8. 1957, Boac, Marinduque, Philippines

One of my Four Nude Art Collection.


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